Chrismation is usually performed at the time of baptism. Christmation is the anointing with holy chrism (myuron) and is a physical, outward sign of the Holy Spirit. The Armenian word for this sacrament is either "կնունք/knounk" or "դրօշմ/droshm", both meaning "seal". 

It is through the "sealing" of the Holy Spirit that we are equipped and ready to truly be called Temples of the Holy Spirit. This act of anointing or chrismating is also in accord with the canons of the Council of Laodicea (AD 343), "Those illuminated should after baptism be anointed". 

The Holy Myuron/Chrism which is used during this sacrament is prepared once every seven years in one of the Holy Sees (Etchmiadzin or Antelias). It is prepared from over forty types of local plants and flowers and then is boiled in a large cauldron for forty days and nights, the entire time having psalms read by deacons and priests. On the fortieth day, the cauldron is brought to the altar where the Catholicos and eleven other bishops bless the Holy Myuron/Chrism. 

The Holy Myuron/Chrism remaining from the previous batch is added and mixed to the new Holy Myuron/Chrism, thus connecting the previous generations with the present generation. It is then stirred with the spear that pierced Christ's side (which was brought to Armenia by St. Thaddeus the Apostle) and blessed with the right hand of St. Gregory the Illuminator. It is then distributed to all the Armenian Churches throughout the world.

During this sacrament, twelve parts of the body are anointed with holy chrism. As the priest anoints each part of the body, he recites a special prayer.

  • Forehead: “Sweet ointment in the name of Jesus Christ is poured upon you as a seal of incorruptible heavenly gifts.”
  • Eyes: “This seal in the name of Jesus Christ may enlighten your eyes that you may never sleep unto death.”
  • Ears: “This holy anointing be unto you for the hearing of the divine commandments.”
  • Nose: “This seal in the name of Jesus Christ be to you a sweet smell from life unto life.”
  • Lips: “This seal in the name of Jesus Christ be for you a guardian for your mouth and a strong door for your lips.”
  • Hands: “This seal in the name of Jesus Christ be to you a cause for charity and for all virtuous deeds and behavior.”
  • Heart: “This divine seal may confirm in you a pure heart and renew within you an upright spirit.”
  • Back: “This seal in the name of Jesus Christ be to you a shield of strength thereby to quench all the fiery darts of the Evil.”
  • Feet: “This divine seal of God may direct your steps unto life everlasting that you may not be shaken.”

    If you have questions or would like to perform a service, please contact Fr. Ghevond.
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